Some things that strike me as worth sharing. Most of the time at least.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

David Crowder Now Works for Fed Ex

I swear it. 2 days ago I was pulling into our driveway and the Fed Ex truck was leaving and the dude was Crowder. Without the hair, without the "Crowder" (as in facial hair) but he had the look and the glasses. It was the only time that particular dude has ever been at our offices but I think it was him. As long as he doesn't get on that flight with Tom Hanks and end up as a Castaway, Fed Ex seems to have trouble with their flights. Of course, Wilson his friend does look like a funny outline of Crowder....I think I've discovered a conspiracy here.

More rumors because once they are on the internet it means they are true. I heard from a reputable dude that Rob Bell is leaving his church in Michigan for the mission field. If so that's terrific. I have no proof but I do know that he's been gone this entire month to Africa with his family (stole that idea from Ehresmans) and they have a huge missions heart. It could be that it was a lie but it makes an exciting one! I do know he's pissed a ton of people off with Velvet Elvis and I think that is terrific a well. People should have to think every once in a while and actually have to explain what they believe, that would make for better TV.

I dressed nice today because we're teaching at Ozark today. I spilled coffee on my leg and it left a stain. I now look stupid.

On my way from Starbucks to the office a pink balloon came rolling out in the street and I ran over it and popped it. Then I saw a sweet little girl standing in horror with her mother. Okay, that's not true. I saw a balloon but the rest of it is made up to make for a more exciting entry.

I did drive 40 through a school zone this morning on accident.

The balloon thing reminds me of a story about my dad. One day he was cruising Portland in his work truck and a punk skateboarder tried to race across in front of it and somehow screwed up and fell off on the sidewalk but his board kept going into the street. My dads truck is huge and kicks butt and he drove right over the sucker (on purpose he said) and split the thing in half. As he drove away he looked in rearview mirror and saw the kid in the middle of the street with half his board in one arm and he's flipping my dad the bird. My dad said he laughed for a long time and that made his whole day. Maybe the dude could duct tape it back together...or stop riding a skateboard and act like a real person.

Carter is old enough to join a soccer league. We may let him just so we can start filling up more of our time. Or we won't let him play becuase I don't want him to grow up to be a pansy. Okay, I know futbol is worldwide and stuff. But he can't make me as much money as he can pitching for the Cardinals.

It was freaking 80 here yesterday. And again today. That groundhog is about as reliable as a weatherman. I need to get a gig like that.

Speaking of preachers who screw people over with crappy theology we were in devos today and we were talking about Mark 9 and I noticed I'd referenced it yesterday and realized I'd not looked at the full context of something. Right after Jesus says he can use anybody that isn't against him--you know, it may not be great but we can use it kind of attitude he lets us be reminded that if we cause someone to stumble, someone younger, an infant in the faith possibly it would be better to tie a fat rock around your neck and jump in the ocean. I think that is a rough paraphrase but I think we all get the point...

And now I leave you with a totally unrelated quote that I think is great and very helpful in something else I'm working on

"As ministers our greatest temptation is toward too many words. They weaken our faith and make us lukewarm. But silence is a sacred discipline, a guard of the Holy Spirit." ::Henri Nouwen
This just in Chris Tomlin looks like Michael J. Fox.

Okay one more thing. A long time ago, like 2 years ago I heard Leonard Sweet go off about how the world it taking Christian ideas and making them theirs and then the church comes behind and tries to redeem it. The world ends up saying something like "yeah, if its so great why did you wait to practice it until after the world got ahold of it". This morning as I was endangering young lives at an elementary school with my reckless driving I saw an AT&T sign. 2 words. Your delivered. The o was a picture of the world. Crazy but that just might preach.


deby said...

Nichalas & I were watching the weather Thurs. night. I said, "Well they were wrong again, they said 40% chance of rain today and guess rain." Very seriously he said, "They weren't wrong, there was 60% chance it wouldn't."

Anonymous said...
