Some things that strike me as worth sharing. Most of the time at least.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Simply Wonderful

Currently Listening: Continuum by John Mayer

I've not mentioned much about this album but it is amazing.

So I currently sit in a Panera in the great city of Boulder, Colorado. It is snowing outside, it has been ever since I landed. I had lunch at Red Robin and spent some time at Starbucks with my buddy Bford.

I'm out in the great Colorado to have some facinating meetings and hopefully become a little smarter and better prepared for some things. It should be good. In the meantime I'm back to a former home. It is very strange.

It is very. strange. to be back.

It has been good to see so many familiar faces and to have some great conversations already but still so weird to be back here.

I've got lots of thoughts swirling in my head but nothing worth sharing at this point. let me wish you a happy day, mine is amazing. I simply love snow.

1 comment:

ret said...

I love snow too. (To snow me is to love me...)

Anyhoo. Enjoy yourself. Sounds like it will be a wonderful trip...