Some things that strike me as worth sharing. Most of the time at least.

Friday, April 28, 2006

I Just Keep Crapping Myself

I'm in a bad mood today.

I decided I'd put something down since I've not posted in a while. Not becuase of a lack of material, simply a lack of time.

Here's the update on my life. I've been quite a few places lately, seen a lot of cool things, had many conversations, been overwhelmed in a good way a few times and stayed in way to many hotels.

Things I'm loosely aware of in the world: Ace is gone, the DMV in Missouri is quite possibly the most friendly and kind one I've ever been to. I now am only a payment away from my first Missouri drivers license.

I am now air brake certified. Afterward, I found out its not necessary so I studied for my CDL, got in touch with my inner trucker and now don't need it. Sweet.

Carter continues to work on potty training. I'd say he's quite good when we're on the road and continues to crap himself when at home. Seems when he's comfortable there's just more important things. But in public, where people might see, he's on point. Seems alot like us and our spirituality if you think about it.

Spent some time with a hero in Tennessee. We went hiking, got lost, I almost passed out because I am old and not a hiker. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.

We bought a new grill because the wind blew our old one over and broke it. 3 days into owning the new grill the wind blew it over and messed it up a bit. I am a quick learner.

I think I am tired of people tooting their own horns. I should probably stop doing it myself and if I ever do I'll become unwilling to listen to others do that as well.

Hope your weekend is good. Just don't allow yourself to watch all 99 hours of NFL coverage.


Lowery said...

Here's some good news: We get to hang out in one week. See? Isn't that pee-your-pants good news to go along with crapping yourself? Huh? Isn't it?

ret said...

Lowery likes pee in his pants. It's warm. He also likes to toot his own horn. Sent me a link to this article thing he wrote...some I would have hurt him if he hadn't...

The wind blew our grill into the pool last summer. Bent it up pretty good. Fortunately, the cover was on but we now make sure the wheels are locked.

If you're planning to crap yourself..better go for the black suit and not the khaki...just sayin...