Some things that strike me as worth sharing. Most of the time at least.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Weekend Report

Currently Listening To: Let You Down by Dave Matthews Band

Maybe its the fact that I haven't had a normal weekend at home in about 3 months but this past weekend was amazing. Simply amazing. Here's all the life changing, earth shattering stuff we accomplished this weekend:

Yeah, that's what I mean. We didn't do anything huge and it was very, very nice. We did attempt to work on Ang's car which died at the Y. It is finally back home and we'll work on it this week. Looks like an alternator. Nice. Too bad I am a mechanical moron. Thank goodness for friends. Our trips in to try and get to Ang's car which seemed to always have people parked around it resulting in a complete inability to jump start it did result in 2 wonderful family trips to Starbucks resulting in Cafe con Leche's for us and lemonade or chocolate milk for Carter. Other important big news, we bought 2 new pillows. The one that traveled with me this summer needed to be retired or burned and we were tired of laying our heads on pillows that felt like they had wadded up socks in them.

We also rented some movies--its time to catch up on all the stuff we missed all summer so the 3 selections for the weekend were: Bad News Bears (disappointing, funny but too much language), Inside Man (according to Ang, anything with Denzel is a winner--it was very good) and finally Crash. Yes, we were the 2 people on earth not to see it. To be honest, I really liked it. We both did, and a lot more than we thought we would. It got me to thinking and was well done so all in all, we didn't do too bad. The one movie I'm dying to see still is Syriana which I've heard some amazingly mixed reviews about which makes me want to see it all the more.

Now Playing: Crooked Deep Down by Derek Webb

Last night Carter and I walked down to the movie store to take the movies back. That kid. Good grief. He's getting quite the personality and is so funny at times. He can also test the last nerve occasionally but man do we love him. The big thing I'm working on him about right now is that when we're in public we don't have to talk at the top of our lungs so that everyone in the county here's us. Especially since he repeats himself all the time or says some of the most off the wall stuff. Last night we were watching the Cubs/Cards game (seriously, amazing. That's what makes baseball great) when he went down unprovoked and informed Ang that his head hurt, my head hurt and she needed to make us a bowl of popcorn. Yeah, not sure where it came from but the popcorn was good.

So that was my weekend. Ang is busy working on baby names and though I was a spoilsport last night it was fun to talk about names. At this point, it may mean nothing, but I think we have it down to 5 boys names and 6 girls names. Maybe 7. I can't get her to go for Ebenezer yet. Okay, it's Monday so enjoy.

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