Some things that strike me as worth sharing. Most of the time at least.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

I Think I'm Gonna Pee My Underwear

What a weekend.

Maybe it was the good weather or maybe it was because I'd been home for a few days but it was a good, good weekend. I took Friday afternoon and we enjoyed a lunch thanks to a gift certificate from my parents and then headed to Lowe's to reinvest some of our tax return in the house.

I spent Friday evening putting up new miniblinds in the downstairs which totally changed the feel of our living room and kitchen. Later that evening our friend Nathan Davenport came by to spend the night on his way to some fundraising for PBT.

Saturday morning started early with a good book, good conversation with Nathan and some good coffee. And and Carter went on a special trip for Saturday morning donuts which thanks to Carter (no, seriously) didn't last the day. It then transpired into one of the best days I can remember in a long time. Lots of work outside, Carter and I mowing the lawn and him helping me with projects in the garage(all sorts of tasks he called "man work") with his newly purchased red and black tape measure. (His part of the tax return, the least we can do for him providing our only child deduction of the year.) It now stays in my tool box right next to daddy's tape measure.

Around lunch time, Carter and I were watching some basketball while I fed Brynn a bottle. Carter and I were finishing off the last donut when Carter asked me, "Daddy, do you know why donuts have holes?" "No" I replied. "Because God wants the to have holes." was his answer. It may not have been a conversation on justification or baptism but it was another sign of how aware of God he's becoming.

After a fulfilling day working around the house as a family, we settled down for a nice relaxing dinner. After dinner Brynn slept, Carter played his leapster and Ang and I played some cards.

Carter ended up having a bath seeing as it was church the next day. He and Ang were sitting on the couch, she was cutting his nails and I had Brynn who was falling asleep after her 5th bottle of the day. Carter was a little ticklish and he and Ang were laughing when he uttered the line of the day. "I think I'm gonna pee my underwear."

It was sometime around there that I realized that a day like that was the best thing about my life. My family, us hanging out, the fact that the joy I felt there and the fun we had was better than anything else. I also realize the more I am around our kids that they are all the beautiful things about us in their purest form. Not that Ang and I are all that beautiful (well, Ang is) but personality, little quirks, sensitive hearts, they are there. Even Brynn in her simple beauty brings a joy we were lacking before. She's at the point where she smiles and giggles, where she watches Carter wherever he goes. It's beautiful.

Carter walks around the house singing songs now. Lately its been the only line from his new Veggietales movie which simply states, "We are the pirates who don't do anything." Beautiful.
He's also learned some lessons from the Lone Stranger, he even quotes a line about how he can't do things by himself but he can do anything with God's help. I find him putting more and more things together and its intimidating but amazing.

I think my favorite moment of the day came after Carter was supposedly in bed for the night. He came back downstairs, I think he didn't like how big his t-shirt was and wanted a smaller one. I got him outfitted to his happiness and was walking out of his room when he left me with this: "Hey dad, do you know what is so cool about when I wake up tomorrow?" "Nope." "We get to go to church!!!"

Could it get any better than almost peeing your underwear and getting to go to church?

1 comment:

ret said...

That's some beautiful stuff Gilligan. Some beautiful stuff.