Some things that strike me as worth sharing. Most of the time at least.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Illinois v. Oregon

It was a bad night for the state of Illinois. An even worse day for Oregon.

Ang and I have a little ongoing argument about our home states. Here's the scoreboard after yesterday:

I wish I had put this in writing a while back but I didn't. After I watched Indiana and Duke play in the Big 10/ACC challenge I predicted Indiana would win the Big 10. I think I might have actually been right. SO, seeing as they just beat a weak Illinois team, here's what I've been saying for the past few weeks.
1. Indiana
2. Michigan St.
3. Ohio State
4. Illinois or Wisconsin

So, did you watch Idol last night? I wasn't going to. In fact until last season I'd never watched an episode. Now I'm not so sure Simon isn't one of the funniest men on earth. I mean seriously, he can be brutal but that dude knows his sarcasm. I laugh as much from watching his interaction as from the "performances". Now I know the kind hearted among us will say its mean, or we shouldn't make fun or its depraived. Well, call me all those and more because its facinating. And Chicago, you did not represent well. The first pair of singing twins was good but after that......

Now if Mizzou would just go back to losing basketball games like in the good old days people around here would zip it.

However, Oregon has decided to be complete morons and now the supreme court voted 6-3 to certify that. Looks like the old "death with dignity" bill continues to break new ground here in the great USA. Unfortunately Oregon continues to be pioneers on a bunch of really bad ideas. At least Illinois foibles aren't eternally damning.

Finally a little worthless vent to lighten the mood. As a Pepsi guy, I am annoyed that when people want to get together with you they say something like "let's go grab a coke". I think that is unfair to Pepsi people and besides, most places don't sell Coke anyway. What if I hate Coke and that is offensive to me? Seriously, this is an epidemic in America that needs to be addressed. How about, let's go get a pop(its not soda people). Or to keep things PC "Hey, let's go get a beverage" or the old standby "Let me by you a Grande Carmel Java Chip Frappucino". I mean seriously, any of these would be fine. Here's to calling things what they are "Hey, I'm cheap so lets go to the wanna be Starbucks where they sell inferiour coffee for roughly the same price but just cheap enough I'll go there instead". Okay, I'm done. And yes, I had to repost this one because the first time I spelled Illinois wrong.

Randy: It's a no man.
Paula: No.
Simon: That is the worst post I have ever seen. It was terrible from beginning to end.

Oh and yes, I know Illinois hoops team kicked the crap out of Oregon this Portland so shut up about that.

Welcome to Hollywood Dog.


Lowery said...

I would love to disagree with your Big Ten breakdown, but I have fears for the Illini. I never bought into them even with the great start. I had that nagging feeling and I wasn't ready to drink the Kool-Aid. Weber is the man, though. Man, he's solid.

As for American Idol...I am so with you. I have only seen the show a handful of times, but did catch it last night. I laugh at Simon to the point of pain. This may mean I am anything but Christlike, but seriously...the guy is hi - larious. And honestly, he is right on 99% of the time. While Paula flirts and Randy calls everyone dawg, Simon actually calls it as it is.

ret said...

Go get a Pepsi...I'm with you on that one. Just no more Mountain Dew dude. That there's a doosie.

(I had enough "do" sounds in that last line to rival Mrs. Finley...)

Unknown said...

Brian-Thanks for your honesty. I agree Weber is beyond solid. A very impressive guy. I'm just disappointed by Augustine this year.

Justin-They may all beat each other up but in the end you watch, I'll be downright prophetic.