Some things that strike me as worth sharing. Most of the time at least.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Treehugger Post #106

Album Currently Playing: No Sir, Nihilism Is Dead by Showbread
Song Currently Playing: Matthias Replaces Judas

If you have $.99 and 5 minutes you should check out this song. It comes on a recommendation from my buddy across the hall JoMo. I could fill 10 CD's with good music he's recommended. The Showbread album is not my usual taste but this song really caught my attention along with the fascinating words.


Speaking of fascinating words and recommendations from my buddy JoMo, you really need to read an article he brought to my attention by Bart Campolo. It is from the Journal of Student Ministries and it is entitled The Limits of God's Grace .

It led to an interesting discussion in our hallway and some thoughts in my own cavernous skull. BC has taken some serious heat for this article, understandably so. I recommend you sit down with a nice hot mug of Christmas Blend, put on some John Mayer and dive in. Unless you have no pulse I am quite certain you'll end up with some sort of an opinion.