Some things that strike me as worth sharing. Most of the time at least.

Friday, March 31, 2006

You Tell Me What To Do With This

I was surfing the net again this afternoon looking for some sermons on service, being a servant and other related topics that we might be able to utilize. I have this crazy idea that this summer when we're in the trucks crossing the country for KS that we could listen to some sermons with the interns and have some fruitful discussions. Call me crazy.

But I ran into a problem. In the midst of looking at emergent/relevant/engaging/seeker sensitive/cutting edge/Northpointish/Willowish/Megachurchish/well-known speaker guy websites supposedly overflowing with affordable (for who?) messages and series' that can grow your church, I found that when I ran the search for servant the message would come back:

No such sermons fit your specified criteria

So somewhere in the midst of communicating lifechanging truth to the masses we've decided that there's nothing worth selling on this topic huh? Interesting. I think I have more to say on this but I know some people read this so I'll shut up. Have a nice weekend.

1 comment:

ret said...

Good point. I'm thinking someone should remedy that. (YOU)