Some things that strike me as worth sharing. Most of the time at least.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Who's The Rookie

When we were getting on our flight for Dallas yesterday a guy walked on the plane a little late and asked a guy in the row in front of me if he should put his stuff in the overhead bin. "You can if you want, I don't care." the guy said. Turns out the dude was flying for the first time in his life. I got to thinking about being a travel rookie, about my first flight when I was a little kid and how I take travel stuff for granted now, I don't even get excited to fly all that much anymore. That was before we landed.....

Just as we were taxiing at DFW, I was putting stuff in my bag when I realized I had something in there that I shouldn't. In fact it was scary I got it on the flight. Turns out I was packing my knife, the nice huge one I use all summer. I got it through the X-ray machine. Not cool.

We land at DFW and head to Starbucks. We get to the gate and they are boarding, I reach in my bag...and I've lost my boarding pass. It had slipped out of my bag so I had to ask for another one. I'm a dork but its not that bad I guess.

Today we were leaving Lexington and on our flight to Chicago when I reach in my bag for my journal.....and realize I left it in the rental car. Nice.

Other than that I think I've done pretty good on this trip. I've learned a lot, we've had some good conversations, I've journaled a lot, though now that journal is sitting at Budget Rent a Car and I feel naked without it. Now if I can just get back to Joplin without screwing anything else up.....

1 comment:

BJ said...

way to go leaving your moleskine in the ever-popular silver Taurus at Budegt - now some guy is going to get free thoughts to write an awesome book - or at least have a good laugh