Some things that strike me as worth sharing. Most of the time at least.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

All Over The Map

It's Wednesday. The album currently playing is:

How To Save a Life by The Fray

We leave today for Dallas. I'll be there through the weekend and it will be my first time back at a Believe in a couple years. I'm really looking forward to it becuase things have changed so much since I've been there and I think the location is going to be a great one.

Ben and I are heading down a little early to do some set up stuff for our own week in Dallas next year. I'm excited to be back because I absolutely loved Dallas last time I was there. There is something about the city, the feel and the people that I really liked so I'm ready to be back.

Other random information you should know:
I reorganized my office. Actually, Ang took my simple ideas and turned them into an inspiring place. I realized I work better in a creative space and that I needed to make the space mine. I've done that everywhere else I've been so its time to do it here. Here's the big change, there's really nothing Oregon in it. I've got a couple simple things but its really a whole new direction for me which I'm really excited about.

I'm enjoying the World Series. I don't find myself as emotional about it, other than I'm loving that the Cardinals are playing so well. Strangely you'll find I don't have much of an opinion on Kenny Rogers but I've loved the good baseball. The sport is amazing to me to begin with but more so when the games mean so much to those playing and those watching.

I got a new travel coffee mug from Starbucks when I was in Longmont. For some reason they decided to sell something on sale so I got it for nothing. I should have actually bought two but hey, I didn't.

I'm back to reading and checking out knowledge which is quite a good thing.

I taught those great pyschology classes yesterday. I pity the fools who sat through the first one, it was not good. The second class was a lot more fun and went a lot better. It was a good experience. I've discovered I don't have much of a passion for psychology. You could have known that if you'd looked at my college transcript.

I continue to pray for many I know and love who go through medical issues. There are a number right now so I'm doing the only thing I really can and praying. I'm looking forward to how God works it all out.

I continue to think about stuff I saw and talked about in Colorado. The trip was a really great one for me and has got me spinning on a number of issues.Combine that with the fact that I reopened some lines of communication with other people outside Colorado while on the trip it was profitable in a number of ways.

Well, it is cloudy and dark here. I like it.

Oh, and I hit a deer the other night. Stupid thing. Now I can barely open my passsenger side door. So cool. Peace.

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