Some things that strike me as worth sharing. Most of the time at least.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Yep Yep

Just a quick note to let you know I am still alive. Yesterday was the other type of day I love in Colorado. No clouds in the sky, brilliant blue sky, mountains in all their glory, snow everywhere but the roads are completely free of snow or moisture and are totally dry. This place is amazing for that. I walked around with a cheezy smile on all day long.

For those curious, the trip was more than worth it. My moleskin is filled with pages of stuff, my heart and mind are swirling and at some points my thoughts are running so wild that I feel like I want to chuck. I think that part is good.

I have a couple more meetings today and then its back to the airport and back to my amazing family. It shall be wonderful tonight to see them, to slip back into that major piece of normality and peace.

So may your thursday be good. I have a new episode of Lost to watch, a new book to read, an old magazine to finish and faithful old tunes to fill my car. And today its me and my bud Coghill who'll join me for my meetings and again provide insight and profoundly deep, humorous and at times beautiful chaos and wisdom to my day. It will be very nice.

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