Some things that strike me as worth sharing. Most of the time at least.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Hitchhikers may be escaping inmates

Saw that sign yesterday on my journey to Tulsa. Got me to thinking. One of the things we've noticed in our various travels around the country in the last year or so is all the signs that are on the road. Some are rather funny really. Here's some of Know Sweat's favorites over the past year including where it was seen.

Trucks Rock, They Also Roll (All over Missouri)
Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving ( Missouri and Tennessee)
Babies are Born to be Breastfed (Arkansas and Nebraska)
and our personal favorite from Kissimmee, FL

The birds the bees and 28 STD's.

I'm sure there are more but this has gone on long enough. Just watch out for hitchhikers.

1 comment:

ret said...

Illinois sightings for the first two...the last two are new to me...enjoy Tulsa!!