Some things that strike me as worth sharing. Most of the time at least.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

This Might Be A Waste Of Time

So I have nothing to say today. However, I find myself with a few minutes and a thought that I should post something so that if you happened to swing by today you aren't disappointed to see I've again failed to post.

I don't know if I've mentioned it here before or not but we have turkeys around the office here. No, I mean real turkeys like the kind I like to eat on Thanksgiving. They are huge and I have a theory that one day they will take over CIY. We have a lot of windows in our conference room and they see their own reflection and peck at it so we have this nasty turkey slobber/turkey mucus mess on the outside. It's funny to me because anytime we host something we have to go out and clean off the turkey slime so people aren't grossed out. Otherwise we just ignore it like any mess in our own home we get tired of cleaning up.

Last friday when I was here early a brave Turkey SEAL decided to make an attack on me. I didn't actually see it but his handiwork is evident. Turns out one of them hopped up on the hood of my freaking car. My boss saw it and tried to spook it at which point it jumped off leaving three huge claw scratches in the hood of my car.

This week we crazy Know Sweat kids headed out to the garage to build some new boxes for the summer travel. It brought back memories of high school shop and it was quite fun. One of the new toys we have here at the office is a nail gun. Very nice. "Somebody" showed us how to hold back the safety so you can actually shoot the nails at something. It got me to thinking about turkeys......

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