Some things that strike me as worth sharing. Most of the time at least.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

A Generation in Search of a Profit When What We Really Need is a Prophet

We've been having this amazing discussion about preaching over the past few days. It's motivated by a lot of things not the least of which is that one of our own is leaving CIY to become a senior/preaching/lead/pastor dude here in the community. It was also brought about by another email sent to us by someone very interested in being on our stage to spread the gospel (or their own renown, I'm not sure which was first in their mind).

The result of that email has been a series of funny and poignant emails passed around the office about who we use and why and the kind of guy we're looking for. We live it over here though not to the extent conference does because we aren't quite as cool and in the words of my good friend, the lights aren't quite as bright on the Know Sweat stage.

I've been having this discussion with an old friend about preaching which I think I mentioned yesterday. In the midst of that I dove into the next text I'm speaking on which is James 3. I have realized a couple things:
a. I've never spoke on James 3 before
b. I was aware that it was the passage about the tongue thanks to the great old Third Day song
c. I wasn't aware it was the place where there is a warning to teachers that they'll be judged more strictly
d. It was pointed out to me by a commentator that just as a large ship is steered by a small rudder, just as a great fire is started by a small spark, so too a body of believers can be steered to bad places and bad motives by a small speaker. One person, standing before the body and having the sheer arrogance and audacity to think they speak for God can screw up an entire body of believers. They can teach poor theology, they can simply have their own struggles validated by their message, they can ignore or avoid challenging ideas or they can simply drink from the same shallow pool so often that the speaking is reduced to heresy or incomplete theology or simply shallow faith. Their ego can become so filled with their own voice that they are unable to get out of the way and though they think they are listening to the spirit, though they think they are saying what God would have them say they are really, well, in my opinion just making a lot of noise. Sure, I know God uses our foolishness (I sure hope so) and I know that the disciples freaked out about those who were performing miracles (a little different from preaching) in Jesus' name but they weren't "one of us". Jesus did the whole whoever is not against us is for us but I'm curious about that context. Paul makes it a little clearer in Philippians with the whole speaking out of selfish ambition deal and Paul's words are I hope true-- "The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice."

Finally, the words of a respected speaker around these parts on the subject:
He has laid a great burden (I hope that it is a burden – you see the apostle Paul wanted to get to as many people as he possibly could, but not to say that he had spoken to 1,000’s of people or that he had made it around the world – his heart was broken for the lost, especially his own brothers.) on your heart and that’s right where I would want you to be.

and more

wherever you are serving right now, continue to serve and preach your heart out right there. Preach where you get the opportunity to preach, keep your heart and life humble before God, burn with a passion to do what God calls you to do. Go where he asks, that may be to a small church in central MO or to a tribe in Ghana Africa or simply to the people that surround you. If they don’t sense a humble spirit of godliness, you message will fall upon death ears. (Italics mine)

and more

From St. Francis of Assisi in “Letters to Rulers of People”, “Keep a clear eye toward life’s end. Do not forget your purpose and destiny as God’s creature. What you are in his sight is what you are and nothing more. Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take nothing that you have received – fading symbols of honor, trappings of power—but only what you have given.”

Now to practice what I preach....

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