Some things that strike me as worth sharing. Most of the time at least.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

My Brain Is A Wonderland

I'm a little ADD today. I think it may be the insane amount of coffee, candy and granola I've encountered today. I've been realizing just how pathetic I am. In a good way. Here's what I've come up with.

In a little over a month I will gather with a bunch of other grown men to sing the national anthem, take me out to the ballgame and participate in a live draft for my 5th season of fantasy baseball in the White Castle Sportsmens Association League. Need I say more? Okay, I will. Yesterday I spent $6.29 on a fantasy baseball magazine to begin my preparation.

My V-Day gift to my wife is me working all day. For her sanity and peace I'll stay away which is the kindest thing I can do since my presence can be at times draining. You think I'm joking. Turns out the house is a different place when i come home in the evening. I'm sure its my incredible maturity. And humility. Don't forget that one.

I think I am most productive when listening to the soundtrack of Saving Private Ryan. It is incredible and so is my output. As evidenced by this entry.

I'm preaching this Sunday on a text I just chose to use last friday. Coincidence? I think now. It's almost like God is trying to get my attention or something. I've also had way too many conversations on some huge topics to think those are ironic. Unfortuantely I'm way out of my confort zone and wondering what God is up to.

To date, after reading 100 books in 2004 and 73 in 2005 I have in 2006 completed zero books. Yes folks, that is correct. Zero. I have started about 7 and finished none. This fantasy baseball prep takes up all my free time.

I think I am done with our taxes. It's all copied and filled out. Turns out I stink at this stuff and hate it with a passion. Those of you gifted in accounting stuff, that is a serious spiritual gift. If I had any, I would tear out my hair. I can't even work a calculator right. And why do I always do everything in pen the first time. Do I not think I'll make a dozen mistakes. Some of the sheets looks like something you'd find in my son's Sunday school class. Are those numbers or letters? And since when did it become a good idea to number everything. "You will need your 1099A W-90, EZ1903, a couple WWII and one UZI. Don't forget when filing jointly to properly conjugate your XYZ123 form unless you filed as a student between or thereafter." How about you send me $5000 and we call it even?

My PDA is possessed. I'm quite certain it has s demon inside that causes it to malfunction only when needed. When I'm not needing it to quickly retrieve information it works like new. I shall name it Damien.

Speaking of which, I think that if you have voicemail and email and you don't reply within a couple days you should be beaten with a wet noodle. Seriously, no one is so busy they can't show you the common decency of acknowledging your existence. And giving you everything you want. And since when did certain colleges think $24/night to stay in their DORMS was fair? Have you stayed in those things? They should require more immunizations for those things that they do to travel internationally. You should be disqualified from giving blood or handling food after sleeping in some of those places.

I see Brittany's husband has come out with a rap album. Incredible. Not the album, just the audacity.


deby said...

A beautiful day outside, getting to laugh out loud more than once from reading this.........
what more could a person want.

Love & God Bless you-deby

ret said...

I see Brittany's husband has come out with a rap album. Incredible. Not the album, just the audacity.


you funny bald boy.

and btw this has to be the longest, hardest to read verification to date. you win.