Some things that strike me as worth sharing. Most of the time at least.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Being Bald Is To My Advantage

It's Sunday.

This might be my favorite day of the summer (not including any when I was with my family).

It started with church. Since we're in Memphis we went and worshipped with a church we've been working with for the past few years. I've talked about them before and I don't remember what I've said but it was my first time to be there on Sunday morning. Their pastor-Pastor Jim-is a great man. So cool, so sharp and the church just gives me chills. Inner city, doing everything it can to reflect the city in which it has been placed and in my opinion, being blessed by God because it didn't run to the suburbs. It is the kind of church I'd want to work at if I ever went back to that kind of thing.

It took me a minute to figure out why I liked it so well and then I realized it was the smell. Let me explain...

On our way in from the parking lot I again realized that this was a different place. Since they are trying to reach the city and since they have/do preach a message of come as you are there was a group of guys out front getting their last smoke before heading in for worship. One of them I remembered from spring break. His name is Danny and he guarded the door for us. He's rough looking. Looks like a hell's angel dude but like so many of them has a soft heart. His story includes some major back pain and so he can't work like he could but wants to be a part of the Community and so he helps out any way he can. During greeting time, I went and re introduced myself to him and it was after that as we were singing some Waterdeep I realized my hand reaked, of cigarette. And it was beautiful. The place looks like a cross section of Memphis. Inter racial, suburban, urban, tattoo, a little old lady playing a hymn on the piano for offering, a dude in a suit, a dude that looks like a skinny Jerry Garcia, men hugging its beautiful. To me, it looked a little like heaven only here. Its just cool. I am sure they have their issues, the church isn't perfect becuase none of us is but its just refreshing to see.

After that was brunch as a restaurant called the Blue Monkey. I did a greek omelete which was a delight.

We did some preparation work in the afternoon and then headed to, in my opinion, the finest restaurant in Memphis. Celtic Crossing. It's an irish place with a.m.a.z.i.n.g food. I did the fish and chips but since I don't do fries anymore I did spuds and the salad with their house vinagrette loaded with feta. Did I mention the food is amazing? It is.

After that we headed to Starbucks for, yes, my new favorite Coffee con Leche with sugar in the raw. I've converted a couple more to the CCL faith. It's good stuff and worth the $2.35 for a grande. It was cold in Starbucks and nice outside so we sat in the bed of the truck and talked about this coming week. In the midst of that 2 different guys came up looking for change. Those moments are sacred to me for some reason. One story was solid, one was not but we gave some money to both. I like those moments like when I gave money to the guy in St. Louis on the 4th. I think those moments have God written all over them and I was proud of our crew for how they responded and the second one--his name was Star--had a funny assesment of everybody in our group. Some were right on, mine was not. I can't really post it here because it had a racially insensitive assesment in it but it was good for a laugh nonetheless.

So that is my Sunday. On Thursday I'll be back in Joplin for less that 24 hours to see my family. It will be good. Until then, I'll think about this day here. Hope your weekend was good.

Oh, and you should listen to Open My Eyes by Jeff Anderson. It is very good.


ret said...

So does being bald have anything to do with his inappropriate assessment???

Unknown said...

yes. Somehow, people think since I am bald that I might possibly be tough or able to fight or even defend myself. I find that funny.

his assesment was that I could tear a (innapropriate racial term) up!!

Um, not really.